Training Courses in Italy
The first course was held in April 2021 about the communication item.
The course had the aim to establish some key points of personal and corporate communication, the knowledge of which is more than ever necessary to enter the world of work.
The course has been organised in collaboration with MICH, an innovative start-up incubator, who managed the participation of some young entrepreneurs in the sector, very much appreciated by the students.

The second course was held at the end of June – beginning of July in collaboration with the Orvieto Study Center and with the Quadrifoglio Cooperative.
The course sought to shed light on new job opportunities related to the agri-food sector.
Young entrepreneurs from the Orvieto area took part in the course and shared their corporate history with the NEETs.

In May 2021 the NEETs who participated in the 30 hour course on personal and corporate communication carried out 30 hours of work experience at MICH Maestrale Innovation Creative HUB where they were able to observe the work of the communication office of the structure and collaborate for the creation of two press releases.
The NEETs of the Incontro Community who participated in the aforementioned course, not yet being able to leave the structure, worked with a communication manager to create a video presentation of their structure that highlights the ergotherapy activities they carried out in the structure rehabilitation, useful for reintegration into society.

In October, the students who took part in the course on the agri-food sector will have their 30 hours work based training in Orvieto, hosted by agrifood companies, most of them participating to the training course organized in June – July 2021.

During 2021, communication activities were carried out through the social channels of the project to promote the training courses scheduled. Visibility campaigns were also carried out using giant posters posted in the main cities of the province, in order to inform young people about the project and the ongoing activities.

During the year, actions related to the carrying out of the workshops envisaged by the project were also launched, an activity carried out in collaboration with the Aiutiamoli a Vivere Foundation and having as a subject the regulatory development of the third sector and social enterprises.

In 2022 Socialneet continued its activity aimed at the realization of the missing actions in view of the closure of the project.
Two actions, among others, were of particular importance: the promotional campaign launched to promote the “Tell your city” project, in preparation for the training course on culture and tourism, and the signing of an extremely important agreement with CONI Umbria, the highest regional authority in the sprtive field. This agreement is aimed at creating a training course on job opportunities in sports associations.