7th Report until 31/03/2022 7th Report until 31/03/2022
From Civil Society Organizations to Social Entrepreneurship. Combating Youth Unemployment and Addressing the Needs of NEETs
(Project No. 2017-1-351)
1st work package management activities
2nd work package communication activities
3rd work package measurement of local social capital and unused resources
4th work package establishment of NEETS meeting points
5th work package Training and capacity Building of NEETS
This report presents the activities developed in this project until March 2022.
1st Work package management activities:
The social economy brings together economic activities that are not just for profit, so at the beginning of the project, a local steering group was defined with all agents, who would work in any activity related to the social economy.
During the project, periodic meetings were held so that the agents could follow the evolution of the actions that could be carried out together.
This semester, the meetings held were as follows:
– Activity M 1.2.2 Audit report: The IPB held a public consultation to choose the auditor that meets the CB’s requirements and inform the CB of its choice by email.
The audit report was carried out from April 2021 to March 2021.
-Activity M 1.3.4 Monitoring-Project Management -Managing work plan activities: Vera Ferro Lebres is general project coordinator and contact point between the IPB team, NEET target group, local community, coordinator institution and FO.
2nd work package communication activities
The communication actions for this semester focused on the dissemination of the actions developed and postponed due to the pandemic situation of Covid-19.
Actions developed:
-Activity C 2.2.28 Info-day Portugal: IPB organized this activity on 21 July 2021 in the format of outdoors event, considering COVID-19 restrictions. There were more than 120 participants and it involved local community, entrepreneurs, young social NEET, mentors, social institutions leaders and political leaders.
- Activity C 2.2.28 Info-day Portugal – the ‘notes’ are outdated and shall refer to the future planned date of this activity in the next 7th reporting period (October 2021 – March 2022). The notes shall be updated by the new Portuguese partner IPB according to their current plans.

-Activity C 2.2.40 Participation of IPB in Project’s Closing Conference and closing meeting: IPB will participate in all upcoming activities.
-Activity C 2.4.1 Social media and internet campaign in Portugal-Polytechnic Institute of Bragança started this activity, using social networks such as Instagram, and Youtube.
Attached are the links to the social networks and images of the same:

-Activity C 2.4.9 Brochures, and posters in Portugal-Polytechnic Institute of Bragança organized a communication campaign in the Bragança region using printing brochures and posters.
In the reception of the IPB central services, there is a roll-up that is used for the promotion of the project. In this area of the building is a passing area for young people.
We also promote this project together with other projects that are implemented by IPB in the area of the International Relations Office, and when we receive international staff partners.

-Activity C 2.3.3 Awareness-raising activities with NEETs, civil society/central/local government organizations – The Polytechnic Institute of Bragança published in two local newspapers to raise awareness of the needs of NEETs and publicize upcoming events related to the activities of the project. The publications were made in June 2021.
An article on “Contributions of the SocialNEET project to the development of skills for an active life”, the article can be seen in its entirety in the annexes.

3rd work package measurement of local social capital and unused resources:
-Activity SC 3.2.5 Measurement activity of local social capital and unused resources in Portugal- Measurement activity of local social capital and unused resources in Portugal is being developed and a full study is finished.
A study was carried out on the population of the Bragança region so that the study could be carried out to meet the needs of the area where the project was carried out.
The study carried out made it possible to find the problems that could be tackled to reduce unemployment.
Throughout the study, we can see that the majority of the population did not have an academic degree.
(Attached to this report you can find the full study.)

4th work package establishment of NEETS meeting points
-Activity N 4.1.4 Creation and operation of a NEETS “Meeting Point” -Supervision and administration of the meeting point (PORTUGAL)-IPB dedicated a place to be used as a reception for NEET, the space can be used by all that are interested on the programs.
Entrepreneurship is the initiative process of implementing new businesses or changes in existing businesses. This term is often linked with the creation of new companies or products, usually involving innovations and risks.
The IPB thus created an open-door entrepreneurship office for anyone who wants to use it, however, due to COVID-19 it will have to be requested.

5th work package Training and capacity Building of NEETS
-Activity CP 5.1.3 Training courses in Portugal (Culture and Tourism Industry, Health Care, Agriculture, IT & Open Source Software, Alternative Energy Sources): IPB organized 8 online training courses due to the pandemic situation.
The training was carried out through the ZOOM platform derived from the pandemic situation.
The sessions were fortified by models. On the 22 and 23 July, sessions were the social models.
Participants in each session had to participate and demonstrate how their ideas.
The main objective of this was exactly that, the participants project their creativity and realize that all ideas are valid.

-Activity CP 5.2.3 Work-based training in civil society organizations- IPB organizes Mentoring sessions on Civil society organizations in our community.
The organizations present in this project are:
-Instituto Politécnico de Bragança;
-Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Mortágua;
-Casa do Trabalho
-Terras da Gardunha- Associação de Desenvolvimento local
-Brigantia Ecopark.
This activity is ongoing and it will be finished in the next report period.