Progress, achievements and results of SOCIALNEET project in Slovenia (January 2020)
University of Primorska, Faculty of Management
Koper, 22.01.2020
Report: Progress, achievements and results of SOCIALNEET project in Slovenia
Until now two focus groups with the representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) have been organized, interviews’ transcripts prepared and translated, questionnaires translated and sent to CSO’s. Local social capital has been researched and identified. A report has been sent to the project lead partner on November 8, 2019. Voluntary work and NGOs are not very widespread since the government of the Republic of Slovenia takes care of most important services. List of unused resources has been also put up, it showed that there are not many empty buildings and spaces in Slovenia. The office equipment that might be used by NEETs is mainly to be found at different NGO’s premises, but also could be rented by hour for a small fee. Report about unused resources has been sent to LP on November 12, 2019.
Since the group of NEETs is difficult to reach directly, there have been taken actions to approach them through diverse communication channels. Workshop with the director of the local Employment Service of Slovenia brought an important drive: a contract between University of Primorska and the Employment Service is in preparation. It will allow NEETs from a wider region (approx. 100 km distance) to receive a refund of travel costs, if they would decide to participate to SOCIALNEET programmes and events. Employment Service of Slovenia is a government body and they have a possibility to support similar programmes, which allow unemployed persons to upgrade their competences for the integration into the labour market.
Another important vehicle of dissemination of the SOCIALNEET project goals and invitations has been identified at the workshop with two representatives of local People’s University. This is an institution which offers various informal trainings and seminars, where some of the NEETs and young people that dropped out of the education system are taking advantage off. They will continue informing them about the possibilities to join the SOCIALNEET project activities.
Meeting point has been chosen at the Cankarjeva 5, Koper and it is now in the phase of editing. It will be freshly refurbished in the colours of our institution and SOCIALNEET project. New chairs have been chosen and ordered. Public call for eight computers has been issued and we are waiting for offers. In the beginning of February, the meeting point should be ready and the Info day Slovenia will be organized there. Seminars will begin in late February.
Awareness and dissemination activities about the project are taking place, through personal contacts, interviews, presentations, institution’s web site news, radio interview. Discussions with potential members of civil society that could jump into the project as mentors for NEETs are taking place all the time.