
Category: slovenia

Progress, achievements and results of SOCIALNEET project in Slovenia (January 2020 – Slovenian)

University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper, 22.01.2020 Poročilo: Napredek, dosežki in rezultati projekta SOCIALNEET v Sloveniji Doslej sta bili v okviru projekta organizirani dve fokusni skupini s predstavniki organizacij civilne družbe, pripravljeni in prevedeni prepisi intervjujev, prevedeni vprašalniki in poslani organizacijam civilne družbe. Lokalni družbeni kapital je bil raziskan in opredeljen. Poročilo vodilnemu partnerju projekta…
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Progress, achievements and results of SOCIALNEET project in Slovenia (January 2020)

University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper, 22.01.2020 Report: Progress, achievements and results of SOCIALNEET project in Slovenia Until now two focus groups with the representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) have been organized, interviews’ transcripts prepared and translated, questionnaires translated and sent to CSO’s. Local social capital has been researched and identified. A report has…
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Progress, achievements and results of SOCIALNEET project in Slovenia (June 2020)

University of Primorska, Faculty of Management Koper, 27.6.2020 progress-report-SLO-27062020Download Report: Progress, achievements and results of SOCIALNEET project in Slovenia 25 awareness and information workshops were organized in Slovenia. There were representatives of volunteering organizations, educational organizations, NGOs and other entities. Information was well taken, interest seemed genuine, and promised support in sharing information about the project.…
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