jobs with organizational innovation based on synergies
Most employment promotion programs are usually based on information campaigns, networking and training seminars.
The philosophy of SOCIALNEET is not based on this concept and process.
If he did, he obviously had nothing to show as far as innovation is concerned.
Moving into the territory of the Social Economy, SOCIALNEET aims to create jobs with organizational innovation based on synergies of large private and public companies with social enterprises and cooperatives. In addition to different employment relationships. It is not like in the private and public sectors where there is a separation between employers and employees. In social enterprises and especially in cooperatives the employer and employee are the same persons and job creation depends on themselves and their collective bodies.
There is no exclusive relationship like in wage labor. The cooperative employee may be remunerated with the project deliverables, while in other cases he may be a seasonal employee but also a subcontractor of private and public enterprises.
In this field, therefore, finding a job is a function of the development of cooperatives and social entrepreneurship and not only of the supply of labor by the workers and the demand of the employers.
The supply and demand of labor therefore concerns the same subject but also the synergies with the private and public sectors. In essence, this is a form of collective self-employment that needs organizational and institutional support for development. Thus, the particular nature of labor relations in the field of social entrepreneurship determines the content of communication and counseling needed for employment development.
The prospective worker is called upon to become an employer in some way.
In view of this specificity we cannot follow the standard information and training practice aimed at acquiring new skills but promoting the organizational culture for the strengthening and development of social enterprises and through this process of finding work for unskilled young people targeted by SOCIALNEET.
The point is to highlight the social needs that exist, the inactive material resources and human resources that can be mobilized through local government synergies, as well as civil society organizations.
Our goal is to promote organizational know-how for the development of Social Enterprises and Cooperatives in the following areas:
The agri-food production and consumer cooperatives
In the green economy and environment
In the health sector
In subcontracting projects of local government and public organizations.
Vasilis Taktikos, Director of IN.ME.K.O.