InfoDay – Italy (February 21st 2020)
The info day program was divided into three parts:
1. Institutional greetings and signature of the memorandum of understanding in support of the project between the Association and the Assessors of the Social Areas of the Municipalities of Terni- Narni- Orvieto, the most important cities in the province of Terni.
2. Analysis of the local youth job market, presentation of the project and the services offered
3. Third sector as driver of the activation of policies for Neets: best practices exposed by two important local social cooperatives
Since now 5 Project ideas have been presented:
1. Agri-food: web platform that connects agri-food businesses and citizens to avoid food waste. Through the platform it will be possible to redistribute surpluses in favor of economically and socially vulnerable subjects.
2. IT / communication: web platform to offer press office services to SMEs, cooperatives, NGO associations that do not have adequate resources to create specialized internal offices.
3. Culture and tourism: enhancement and networking of the archaeological sites of the ancient roman Via Flaminia through an app that can map and disseminate the culture of the area in a simple, adequate and shared way.
4. Health and social assistance: platform where you can contact professionals in health sector (nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists) for home care having the opportunity to consult curricula, work hours carried out, and user rating.
5. Alternative Energy: creating an “energy community” to exploit the surplus of energy produced by solar panels. Sharing energy model.
The training programs in the listed subjects are being finalized. The training, except for impediments related to the health emergency, will start in September 2020.
With the view to measure the local social capital, questionnaires for mapping the share capital were sent to a lot of representatives of the Third Sector in order to:
– identify the level of cooperation of local civil society organizations,
– evaluate the results and advantages that derive from their interaction
– return unused resources to the social economy.
An Access software has been created that allows to insert the data of the unused resources of the territory in different tables. On November 22nd 2019 a focus group was held in the Association’s meeting room between some members of Civil Society Organizations and Third Sector organizations in the Province of Terni to investigate the real degree of cooperation and interaction between these entities.
Starting from the definition of social capital as a multidimensional concept, that is, as the set of resources that individuals, social groups and organizations can generate and acquire through their formal and informal relationships and as the networking with the different actors that interact within society, the meeting highlighted that the active social capital of our communities is decidedly low.