
WP6: Networking and Transfer of Know-How

Responsible partner: Rezekne Academy of Technologies

The main purpose of the ‘Networking and Transfer of know’ WP is to engage and connect civil society organizations and experienced members of civil society organizations directly with the objectives of the project, under the guidelines of the expertise partner. It has two main directions: The implementation of capacity building and training courses on the one hand and the transfer of know how rom the expertise on the other. During the implementation of the activities of the WP civil society organizations will have a great opportunity in networking with other organizations on the objectives and outputs of the project. The main activities in the context of the WP include:

1. The implementation of Capacity Building Workshops/Seminar to civil society organization,

2. The implementation of Courses targeting the experienced members of civil society organizations so as to become Mentors for NEETs,

3. The transfer of know-how from the expertise partner on Capacity Building Workshops,

4. The transfer of know-how from expertise partner on Courses targeting the experienced members of civil society organizations,

5. The formation of a sustainable model for the long term viability of the Meeting Points and

6. The production of an Expertise Review Report on project’s outcomes providing an expertise analysis and insight on the implemented activities and processes. The aim of capacity building workshops is the strengthening of skills, knowledge and enhancing of know-how of civil society organizations in putting in practice social entrepreneurship endeavors and the establishment of projects based in social economy principles. the implementation of 65 workshops in Greece, 25 in Portugal and Spain, 40 in Slovenia, Poland and Latvia and 20 in Italy. In addition, fourteen (14) training courses (2 per each participating country) aiming at the experienced members of civil society organizations and the NGO sector, so as to, become Mentors for social economy will take place. A Sustainable Model for NEETs Meeting Points will be proposed including the formation of a nonprofit private body which will be coordinated by ex-NEETs.

The Expertise Partner will support the PP in the formation of the structure and content of training of the capacity building workshops and the training courses and provide them with its expertise knowledge on the existing best practices and on how to best organize and implement those workshops and courses. The WP activities and outputs contribute to

1. the increased transnational cooperation on labor market issues by networking a great number of civil society organizations from different countries and to

2. To an increased capacity of civil society organizations in engaging in social entrepreneurship and the acquisition of enhanced skills of civil society practitioners and experts.


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