3rd-semester actions – Municipality of Mataro
Among the actions that took place during the 3rd semester of SOCIALNEET project, a video “Presentation of young people;s experiences in social economy” has been published with the view to advertise the Infoday and the project on social media and have given us a very good result.
Along with the Communication Service a Mini-site of the project has been designed: www.mataro.cat/socialneet. This mini-suite has all the information of the program and other information of interest related to the social economy in the city and the territory will be posted.
The Infoday was held on January 31, 2020. The aim of this event was the presentation and explanation of the NEET Social project and all the actions to be carried out throughout the year 2020 and part of the 2021. It took place in the facilities where the Meeting Point will be located. This place is the Cafè de Mar building, where entities and the incubator of social economy companies are currently housed. The total number of participants in the Infoday was about 80 people.

In the framework of Work Package 3, three Focus groups have been done on three different targets of the quadruple helix: Members of the University (Tecnocampus de Mataró) and Mataró City Council staff of the different services involved in the project (youth, entrepreneurial occupation and youth) in two different groups. To collect data on the survey we asked for the collaboration of the Agency of entities of the city. They have a database of about 850 entities, to which surveys were sent, but only about thirty answered. We find that third sector entities are not identified with the social economy. Therefore, we will focus training and awareness on explaining what the social economy is and the benefits of entrepreneurship in this area.
The first results were presented to the local driving group on March 20th. Given the confinement situation resulting from covid-19, the presentation has been postponed to May 14 in a virtual version. We want to return the mapping to all participants and agents of the social economy of the city and collect their impressions related to the conclusions of the report. The report will be posted on the mini-site for all audiences.

The Meeting Point building is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Café de Mar. Some of the activities carried out during the first month of opening the meeting point: setting up the meeting point, coordination of the driving group, requesting budgets for other activities / suppliers, monitoring and control of contracted companies, organization of working groups for young people and business plan entities, design of training actions for organizations and young people.
As for the Business plans, the coordinating team evaluated the proposals they received and a winner has been selected who will make the business plans and the entrepreneurial trends in the economic sectors involved in the project. During the first week of March, 3 working groups were held in the health, tourism and agriculture sectors. These groups have chosen an idea to develop as an example and a pool of ideas to develop with young people and companies in the future.
Also during these months, two specific courses for the tourism and health and health sector have been designed with the University Chair. The university in our city currently offers degrees in these sectors and therefore we have contacted them to design the contents.
This content has focused on 6 areas:
• Introduction to the Social Economy
• Characteristics of the Welfare and Health sector
• Identify needs
• New trends and services
• Healthy organizations and case analysis
• Attendance and participation in visits to companies in each sector
The forecast for the start of both courses is reviewed for the month of October and will be face-to-face.

Progress, achievements and results of SOCIALNEET in Mataró (July 2019)
At the city of Mataró, for the Social NEET project we have set the following generic objectives:
Creating innovative social enterprise solutions and facilitating job search in social enterprises for unemployed youths between the ages of 18 and 29, and in particular those aged 25-29.
Improve networking and training in the social economy and civil society organizations of the city and the Maresme region.
Increasing the skills of NOEF young people.
Participate in an expert transnational cooperation network (7 EU countries).
Raise awareness of the impact on the territory that social innovation and entrepreneurship in the social economy can bring to the unemployment of young people
To achieve these goals we have planned the following actions on the Social NEET project:
- Presentation of the Social NEET project (Info day).
- 2.25 information and awareness sessions on the project and the social economy
- Creation of a map of unused resources and equipment in the city of Mataró
- Creation and start-up of a meeting point for NOEFS young people in the Café de Mar building
- 5.700 hours of advice / consulting (both for young people and organizations)
- Elaboration of Business Plans and sector trends in the 5 areas in which the project affects (Agriculture; Tourism and Leisure; Health and Welfare; ICT and free software and renewable energy)
- Training actions for young people related to the 5 economic fields to evaluate possible business ideas / projects
- Stays in social economy companies
- 25 Social entrepreneurship workshops aimed at organizations.
- 2 mentoring courses
Currently these actions are at this deployment point:
Work Package 2. Communication.
A social economy production company has been hired to make a video Presentation of young people’s experiences in ESS. Presentation scheduled for Info Day.
We are designing together with the Communication Service a Minisite of the project.
Adaptation the brouchure to make it more attractive to young people and organizations.
A specific communication plan for social networks has been prepared and will start with Infoday.
Work Package 2. Infoday.
Press conference presentation of the Social NEET project: Tuesday, January 28 (Café de Mar).
INFO DAY: Friday, January 31 (Café de Mar). Objective of the presentation:
Position ourselves as benchmarks for projects in innovative ESS
Encourage meeting space with ALL agents in the territor
Work Package 3. Measurement of local social capital:
We have done 3 Focus groups on three different targets of the quadruple helix: Members of the University (Tecnocampus de Mataró) on 10/18/2019; Mataró City Council staff of the different services involved in the project (youth, entrepreneurial occupation and youth) in two different groups, one on 18/11/2019 and 21/11/2019; and to a representative group of social economy entities in Mataró on 12/19/2019.
Conduct telephone surveys and personalized interviews with people of reference in the city in the field of social economics.
The first results will have the first half of January 2020.
Final results are presented in the second half of January 2020
Work Package 4. Establishment Meeting.
We have already enabled the space where we will be located, the Café de Mar building, an emblematic space in the city where all the social economy projects will be attended, where there is currently a business incubator and services for corporate entities and to the general public.
In these same spaces will be the training actions and the advice.
The space will be operational in February 2020, with initial opening hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Work Package 4. Business Plan.
Proposal has been sent to participate in the writing of the project to 4 companies of ESS (11/25/2019) to present their proposals.
3 quotes received on 04/12/2019. With the NEET Social project coordinating team, the proposals have been evaluated and a winner has been selected who will make the business plans and the entrepreneurial trends in the economic sectors involved in the project.
Expected start of work, 1/28/2020 with the first kick-off meeting with the company in charge and the different experts by sector plus the project coordinator
Delivery of final work, scheduled for 04/04/2020.
Work Package 4. Advice and consulting.
The Barcelona City Council’s entrepreneurial and business support service has been outsourced to Tecnocampus (university and business park) for years. For this reason and due to his expertise, he has offered to do this WP at Tecnocampus.
TCM has designed a personalized proposal, tailored to the needs of the project and especially to the social economy.
Forecast to start the activity planned for February 2020.Collections of possible queries received from organizations to attend have already been made
Work Package 5.5 Training actions in economic sectors of the project.
Working with the City Council’s Entities Agency. An agreement has been reached to offer training related to the social economy to all entities in the city from the first quarter of 2020. Preparing registrations and searching for specialized trainers.
Work Package 5. Work based training in OSC.
We have made the first contacts with some entities to explain the project and offer them the possibility of welcoming young people.
The papers and agreements have been drawn up and are awaiting review by the City Council’s legal services.
Work Package 6. Entrepreneurship workshops
Social economy related training is being planned for all entities in the city from the first quarter of 2020. Preparing registrations and searching for specialized trainers.
Work Package 6. Mentoring courses.
A first search for potential mentors has been started from the focus group and the local motor group meeting mapping and study.
Pending to look for the training to offer.
Forecast is from the second quarter of 2020
Progrés, fites i resultats del SOCIALNEET a Mataró
A nivell de la ciutat de Mataró, pel projecte Social NEET hem establert els següent objectius genèrics:
Crear solucions empresarials socials innovadores i facilitar la recerca d’ocupació en empreses socials als joves desocupats d’entre 18 i 29, i en particular, als de 25-29 anys.
Millorar el treball en xarxa i la capacitació en l’economia social i de les organitzacions de la societat civil de la ciutat i la comarca del Maresme.
Incrementar l’adquisició d’habilitats dels joves NOEF.
Participar una xarxa de cooperació transnacional experta (7 països de la UE).
Augmentar la consciència de l’impacte al territori que pot aportar la innovació social i l’emprenedoria en l’economia social per fer front a l’atur de joves.
Per dur a terme aquests objectius hem planificat les següents accions entorn al projecte Social NEET:
- Presentació projecte Social NEET (Info day).
- 25 sessions d’informació i sensibilització entorn al projecte i l’economia social
- Creació de mapa de recursos i equipaments no utilitzats a la ciutat de Mataró
- Creació i posada en marxa de punt de trobada dels joves NOEFS a l’edifici del Cafè de Mar
- 700 hores d’assessorament / consultoria (tant a joves com a entitats)
- Elaboració de Plans d’empresa i tendències del sector en els 5 àmbits en els quals incideix el projecte (Agricultura; Turisme i Oci; Sanitat i Benestar; TIC i programari lliure i energies renovables)
- Accions formatives per a joves relacionades amb els 5 àmbits econòmics per avaluar possibles idees/projectes de negoci
- Estades en empreses d’economia social
- 25 Tallers d’emprenedoria social adreçades a entitats.
- 2 cursos de mentoratge
Actualment, aquestes accions es troben en aquest punt de desplegament:
Work Package 2. Comunicació.
S’ha contracta a uan productora d’economia social per a que realitzi un vídeo Vídeo presentació d’experiències de joves en ESS. Presentació prevista per l’Info Day.
Estem dissenyant conjuntament amb el Servei de comunicació una Minisite del projecte
Adaptació del tríptic per fer-lo més atractiu a joves i entitats.
S’ha elaborat un Pla comunicació específic per xarxes socials que s’iniciarà amb l’Infoday.
Work Package 2. Infoday.
Roda de premsa presentació projecte Social NEET: Dimarts 28 de gener (Café de Mar)
INFO DAY: Divendres 31 de gener (Café de Mar). Objectiu de l’acte de presentació:
Posicionar-nos com referents de projectes en ESS innovadors
Fomentar espai de trobada amb TOTS els agents del territori
Work Package 3. Measurament of local social capital:
Hem realitzat 3 Focus groups a tres targets diferents de la quàdruple hèlix: Membres de la Universitat (Tecnocampus de Mataró) el 18/10/2019; Personal de l’Ajuntament de Mataró dels diferents serveis implicats en el projecte (joventut, Ocupació emprenedoria i joventut) en dos grups diferents, un en data 18/11/2019 i 21/11/2019; i a un grup representatiu d’entitats d’economia social de Mataró el 19/12/2019.
Realització d’enquestes telefòniques i entrevistes personalitzades a persones de referència de la ciutat en l’àmbit de l’economia social.
Els primers resultats el tindrem primera quinzena de gener 2020.
Resultats finals es presenten la segona quinzena de gener 2020
Work Package 4. Establisment Meeting.
Ja hem habilitat l’espai on ens ubicarem, l’edifici Café de Mar, espai emblemàtic de la ciutat on es canalitzaran tots els projectes d’economia social, on actualment hi ha un viver d’empresa i serveis d’atenció a les entitats i a la ciutadania en general.
En aquest mateix espais es realitzaran les accions formatives i els assessoraments.
L’espai entrarà en funcionament al febrer de 2020, amb horari inicial d’atenció al públic els dimarts i dijous de 9 a 14 hores.
Work Package 4. Business Plan.
S’ha enviat proposta per participar en la redacció del projecte a 4 empreses d’ESS (25/11/2019) per a què presentin les seves propostes.
S’han rebut 3 pressupostos en data 04/12/2019. Amb l’equip coordinador del projecte Social NEET s’han valorat les propostes i s’ha escollit una guanyadora que realitzarà els plans d’empresa i les tendències emprenedores dels sectors econòmics implicats en el projecte.
Previsió d’inici de la feina, 28/01/2020 amb la primera reunió de kick-of amb l’empresa encarregada i els diferents experts per sector més el coordinador del projecte
Lliurament treball final prevista pel 04/04/2020.
Work Package 4. Assessorament i consultoria.
El servei d’atenció a l’emprenedor i l’empresa des de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona fa anys que s’ha externalitzat al Tecnocampus (universitat i pac empresarial). Per aquest motiu i degut al seu expertise, s’ha ofert fer aquest WP al Tecnocampus.
TCM ha dissenyat una proposta personalitzada i pensada en les necessitats del projecte i en especial per l’economia social.
Previsió d’inici de l’activitat prevista al febrer 2020. Ja s’han fet recull de possibles consultes rebudes d’entitats a atendre.
Work Package 5. 5 Accions formatives en sectors econòmics del projecte.
Reunió de treball amb l’Àgència d’Entitats de l’Ajuntament. S’ha arribat a un acord per oferir formació relacionada amb l’economia social a totes les entitats de la ciutat a partir del primer trimestre de l’any 2020. Preparant les inscripcions i fent cerca de formadors especialitzats.
Work Package 5. Work based training in OSC.
Hem establert els primer contactes amb algunes entitats per explicar-los el projecte i oferir-los la possibilitat d’acollir a joves.
S’han elaborat els papers i els convenis,pendents de revisar per part dels serveis jurídics de l’Ajuntament.
Work Package 6. Tallers d’emprenedoria
S’està planificant la formació relacionada amb l’economia social a totes les entitats de la ciutat a partir del primer trimestre de l’any 2020. Preparant les inscripcions i fent cerca de formadors especialitzats.
Work Package 6. Cursos de mentoratge.
S’ha iniciat una primera cerca de possibles mentors a partir del focus group i de l’estudi de mapeig i reunions del grup motor local.
Pendent de cercar la formació a oferir.
Previsió serà a partir del segon trimestres del 2020.
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