

InfoDay – July 8 at 14.00 – 16.00

8 countries, 270 mentors from all over Europe, 5 thousand participants – all that for a green and united Europe.

From August 3rd, the Meeting Point of SOCIALNEET program focused on combating youth unemployment through the development of social entrepreneurship, will operate in Warsaw. The project includes residents of the province Mazowieckie at the age of 18 to 29, all belonging in the category of NEETs, who want to acquire new knowledge and skills that will allow them to include themselves on the labor market.

InfoDay will be held on July 8 at 14.00 – 16.00 at 1 Inżynierska Str. in Warsaw, where project details will be presented. Local partners of the program are: Korczak University, Family Support Center “Family Warsaw” and “Heart for Children”.


  • we provide training on work in civil society organizations
  • we work to build the capacity of civil society organizations based on the idea of ​​social entrepreneurship
  • we implement courses targeted at civil society leaders that enable them to act as mentors
  • we help create innovative business plans
  • we provide advisory and consultancy services for NEETs


  • modern models of social innovation are used to integrate young people into the labor market
  • training in important areas: health care, culture, IT, renewable energy sources
  • creating and implementing tools to support and promote social entrepreneurship


  • organizations supporting civil society throughout Europe
  • public sector institutions
  • private sector institutions
  • leaders of local communities


Are you 18-29 years old and are you from the Mazowieckie province?

Do you want to gain new knowledge, competences and skills that will allow you to find yourself on the labor market?

Are you interested in culture, tourism, healthcare, IT, alternative energy sources or agriculture?

Do you believe that we can do more together?

By participating in the project you will receive professional support, you will participate in specialized trainings that will raise your competences and skills and equip you with the tools needed to take up work or set up your own social enterprise. 8/7/2020, at 14.00 – 16.00 we invite you to InfoDay international program SOCIALNEET, under which eight European countries fight youth unemployment through the development of social entrepreneurship – including residents of the province Mazowieckie from 18 to 29 years old.

• opening InfoDay and welcoming guests
• presentation of the project concept and social economy principles promoted by the Nobel Peace Prize Winner M. Yunus
• presentation of the Family Support Center and its project tasks
• presentation of the “Heart” Association of Large and Partial Families and its project tasks

SOCIALNEET – Stan realizacji projektu na dzień 31.01.2019 r. z uwzględnieniem działań przewidzianych w umowie partnerskiej.

  1. Co zostało zrealizowane w okresie 17.04. kwiecień – 31.12  grudzień 2019

Activity M 1.3.1 Monitoring-Project Management -Managing work plan activities

  • zatrudniono menadżera projektu, celem realizacji i monitorowania działań w projekcie,
  • nadzór nad przygotowaniem i obiegiem dokumentów w tym umowy partnerskiej,
  • uczestniczenia w spotkaniach online z Partnerami projektu i Liderem,
  • przygotowanie i przedstawienie prezentacji na temat uczelni i ekonomii społecznej w Polsce podczas konferencji Lidera w Atenach
  • mapowania organizacji w Polsce, które mogą wesprzeć realizację projektu (FISE, IBE, FRSE),
  • kontaktu z badaczami, audytorem,
  • monitorowania aktywności i komunikacji w mediach społecznościowych oraz a głównej stronie uczelni.
  • Przygotowania umów z badaczami, audytorem oraz monitoring realizacji badania,
  • wprowadzania na bieżąco danych do systemu EGREG oraz dwóch sprawozdań okresowych w systemie,
  • podziału zadań pomiędzy osobami zaangażowanymi w realizację projektu (księgowość, ekspert),
  • Udział w spotkaniach rozpoczynających realizację projektu i konferencji tematycznej, organizowanej przez Lidera projektu 17 Kwietnia

Activity M 1.2.6 Audit report (Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw)

Audytor został wybrany i raport przygotowany i dostarczony

Activity M 1.1.1 Kick off meeting (ATHENS)

Udział dwóch przedstawicieli uczelni w tym koordynatora i eksperta, Prezentacja na temat uczelni
i na temat ekonomii społecznej w Polsce

Activity C 2.4.5 Social media and internet campaign in Poland

Rozpoczęto realizację działania

Filmik nagrany na potrzeby projektu przez Uczelnię i przesłany Liderowi

Baner utworzono na stronie głównej uczelni i stronę na facebooku. https://www.wspkorczak.eu/.,https://www.facebook.com/SocialNeet-Polska-326578951561087/, Koordynator realizuje tymczasowo kampanię zamieszczając posty na facebooku, docelowo podwykonawca powinien to robić zgodnie z projektem.

Activity C 2.2.5 Participation of Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw in kick off meeting and launching event

Anna Lew-Starowicz koordynator oraz  Rafał Lew-Starowicz ekspert uczestniczyli w tym wydarzeniu. Zaprezentowali profil uczelni, wydawnictwa, aktywności i informację nt. ekonomii społecznej
w Polsce.

Activity C 2.2.14 Participation of Janusz Korczak Pedagogical Univeristy in Warsaw in Annual Conference in Italy

Ekspert Rafal Lew-Starowicz brał udział w dorocznej konferencji w Terni on 15 Października 2019

Activity C 2.3.7 Awareness activities towards NEETS, civil society/central/local government organizations (Poland)

Koordynator projektu spotkał się z lokalnymi partnerami między innymi z fundacją FISE w dniu 24.09.2019 i przedstawił im projekt, a także ekspert przedstawił projekt Instytutowi Badań Edukacyjnych w Warszawie, który realizował projekt  interdyscyplinarny i porównawczy na poziomie międzynarodowym (Horyzont 2020), który zapewnia kompleksowe zrozumienie konsekwencji wrażliwości młodych ludzi na rynku pracy na ryzyko wykluczenia społecznego w Europie.

W lutym należy zorganizować warsztaty dla organizacji nt. projektu i ewentualnego włączenia się tych organizacji w jego realizację.

Activity SC 3.2.6 Measurement activity of local social capital and unused resources in Poland

Zrealizowano badanie w oparciu o wytyczne lidera, opublikowano raport z badania na stronie

Activity SC 3.2.13 Creation of a registry for unused resources and equipment/Drafting measurement of local social capital report in Poland

Utworzono rejestr

Activity NW 6.1.5 Capacity Building Workshops/Seminars to civil society organizations targeting social entrepreneurship in Poland

Do zrealizowania przynajmniej 1 w pierwszym kwartale 2020

Activity NW 6.1.14 Courses targeting the experienced members of civil society organizations in order to act as Mentors in Poland

Do zrealizowania przynajmniej 1 w pierwszym kwartale 2020

Activity N 4.1.5 Creation and operation of a NEETS “Meeting Point” (20 months) -Supervision and administration of the meeting point (POLAND)

Zgodnie z ustaleniami z Liderem należy w pierwszym kwartale 2020 zakupić sprzęt komputerowy
i wyposażenie punktu a przede wszystkim podjąć decyzję w zakresie jego lokalizacji

Activity N 4.2.12 Exemplary & Innovative Business Plans (POLAND)

FISE jest gotowe pomóc w opracowaniu tych planów

SOCIALNEET – The status of the project as at 31.01.2019 including the activities provided for in the partnership agreement.

1. What was implemented in the period 17.04. April – December 31, 2019

Activity M 1.3.1 Monitoring-Project Management -Managing work plan activities

• a project manager has been employed to implement and monitor project activities, supervision over the preparation and circulation of documents, including a partnership agreement,

• participate in online meetings with Project Partners and the Leader,

• preparing and presenting presentations on universities and social economy in Poland during the  conference in Athens

• mapping organizations in Poland that can support the implementation of the project (FISE, IBE, FRSE),

• contact with researchers, auditors,

• monitoring activity and communication in social media and on the main website of the university.

• Preparation of contracts with researchers, auditor and monitoring of the implementation of the study,

• entering data into the EGREG system and two periodic reports in the system on a regular basis,

• division of tasks between persons involved in the implementation of the project (accounting, expert),

• Participation in meetings launching the project and thematic conference organized by the Project Leader on 17 April

Activity M 1.2.6 Audit report (Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw)

The auditor was selected and the report prepared and delivered

Activity M 1.1.1 Kick off meeting (ATHENS)

Participation of two university representatives including a coordinator and expert, Presentation about the university and on the subject of social economy in Poland

Activity C 2.4.5 Social media and internet campaign in Poland

Implementation of the action started

Video recorded for the needs of the project by the University and sent to the Leader

The banner was created on the university’s homepage and facebook page. https://www.

Activity C 2.2.5 Participation of Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw in kick off meeting and launching event

Anna Lew-Starowicz coordinator and Rafal Lew-Starowicz expert participated in this event. They presented the profile of the university, publishing house, activity and information on social economy in Poland.

Activity C 2.2.14 Participation of Janusz Korczak Pedagogical University in Warsaw in Annual Conference in Italy

Expert Rafal Lew-Starowicz took part in the annual conference in Terni on 15 October 2019

Activity C 2.3.7 Awareness activities towards NEETS, civil society / central / local government organizations (Poland)

The project coordinator met local partners including the FISE foundation on 24/09/2019 and presented the project to them, and the expert presented the project to the Educational Research Institute in Warsaw, which implemented an interdisciplinary and comparative project at international level (Horizon 2020), which provides comprehensive understanding the consequences of the sensitivity of young people on the labor market to the risk of social exclusion in Europe.

In February, workshops for organizations on the project and possible involvement of these organizations in its implementation should be organized.

Activity SC 3.2.6 Measurement activity of local social capital and unused resources in Poland

The study was carried out based on the leader’s guidelines, a study report was published on the website

Activity SC 3.2.13 Creation of a registry for unused resources and equipment / Drafting measurement of local social capital report in Poland

Registry created

Activity NW 6.1.5 Capacity Building Workshops / Seminars to civil society organizations targeting social entrepreneurship in Poland

To be completed at least 1 in the first quarter of 2020

Activity NW 6.1.14 Courses targeting the experienced members of civil society organizations in order to act as Mentors in Poland

To be completed at least 1 in the first quarter of 2020

Activity N 4.1.5 Creation and operation of a NEETS “Meeting Point” (20 months) -Supervision and administration of the meeting point (POLAND)

As agreed with the Leader, computer hardware should be purchased in the first quarter of 2020 and equipment of the point and, above all, to decide on its location

Activity N 4.2.12 Exemplary & Innovative Business Plans (POLAND)

FISE is ready to help develop these plans