Partner: Craftsmen Association of Terni
The Annual Conference was held on October 15th 2019 in the Association’s Conference room. The event was divided into two parts. The plenary session was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Labor, the Umbria Region, the University of Perugia and the most important companies operating at a local level in the Third Sector. The program was enriched by the presentation of the Project Partners and an afternoon Focus Group: comparison between project partners and representatives of local social enterprises, a round table to discuss deeply about Socialneet topics and aims with the support of best practices experiences.
At the end of January, the Meeting Point was opened inside Association’s headquarter. A comparative survey was carried out with other consultancy and professional orientation offices in the area and with other coworking spaces in order to offer adequate services. Dedicated staff also approached recent studies on Personal Branding and Development, Social Talent Acquisition, on selection methods and recrutering, on engagment through values, on identifying the needs of job positions, on selection tests and on boarding techniques. From January 2020 the first meetings with NEETs were held in this new dedicated office.
InfoDay – Italy (February 21st 2020)
The info day program was divided into three parts:
1. Institutional greetings and signature of the memorandum of understanding in support of the project between the Association and the Assessors of the Social Areas of the Municipalities of Terni- Narni- Orvieto, the most important cities in the province of Terni.
2. Analysis of the local youth job market, presentation of the project and the services offered
3. Third sector as driver of the activation of policies for Neets: best practices exposed by two important local social cooperatives
Since now 5 Project ideas have been presented:
1. Agri-food: web platform that connects agri-food businesses and citizens to avoid food waste. Through the platform it will be possible to redistribute surpluses in favor of economically and socially vulnerable subjects.
2. IT / communication: web platform to offer press office services to SMEs, cooperatives, NGO associations that do not have adequate resources to create specialized internal offices.
3. Culture and tourism: enhancement and networking of the archaeological sites of the ancient roman Via Flaminia through an app that can map and disseminate the culture of the area in a simple, adequate and shared way.
4. Health and social assistance: platform where you can contact professionals in health sector (nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists) for home care having the opportunity to consult curricula, work hours carried out, and user rating.
5. Alternative Energy: creating an “energy community” to exploit the surplus of energy produced by solar panels. Sharing energy model.
The training programs in the listed subjects are being finalized. The training, except for impediments related to the health emergency, will start in September 2020.
With the view to measure the local social capital, questionnaires for mapping the share capital were sent to a lot of representatives of the Third Sector in order to:
– identify the level of cooperation of local civil society organizations,
– evaluate the results and advantages that derive from their interaction
– return unused resources to the social economy.
An Access software has been created that allows to insert the data of the unused resources of the territory in different tables. On November 22nd 2019 a focus group was held in the Association’s meeting room between some members of Civil Society Organizations and Third Sector organizations in the Province of Terni to investigate the real degree of cooperation and interaction between these entities.

Starting from the definition of social capital as a multidimensional concept, that is, as the set of resources that individuals, social groups and organizations can generate and acquire through their formal and informal relationships and as the networking with the different actors that interact within society, the meeting highlighted that the active social capital of our communities is decidedly low.
SOCIALNEET – PROGRESS, ACHIEVEMENTS, RESULTS Confartigianato Imprese Terni – January 2020
At present, following the report delivered at the end of September 2019, Socialneet project has made the following progress:
– As part of activity 2.3.8, the deep action to raise awareness and information about the project and its aims towards local institutions and civil society organizations continued. The result obtained was mainly related to the awareness, on the part of these subjects, that a greater degree of interaction and cooperation at local level is needed, a fact that is currently absent. The project was a fundamental element in this sense, and thanks to it Confartigianato Imprese Terni has acquired an important role in this area, acting as a key element between the institutions and the CSOs. An important result achieved is the sharing of a memorandum of understanding between Confartigianato Imprese Terni and the municipalities of Terni, Orvieto and Narni to carry out joint actions for the benefit of the project. The signing of this document will take place on 21 February on the occasion of the info day. (Attached is the list of the stakholders met)
– As part of activity 2.4.6, an important information campaign is being planned, via social media and traditional information channels, in order to promote the opening of the meeting point located in Confartigianato Imprese Terni’s headquarter and the organization of the info day. This campaign will begin during the current week.
– With regard to activity 3.2.7, Confartigianato Imprese Terni has acquired a deep knowledge concerning the issue related to the identification of a methodology connected to the analysis of the degree of interaction between the CSOs (private and institutional) operating at local level. An in-depth desk analysis relating to documentation (articles, laws, studies) was carried out and a focus group was set up between private organizations operating in the third sector. The second focus group with the participation of institutional subjects is scheduled for the next few days. This analysis, as mentioned, outlined a substantial lack of interaction between the subjects of civil society, an element that makes the implementation of effective policies in the area particularly difficult. This also makes the data collection phase on unused resources problematic. Despite having made formal requests to many local bodies and institutions, it is difficult to acquire reliable data, however, we hope to conclude this phase positively, also considering the stimulus function, in this sense, that the project is having. With regard to the questionnaires, for the reasons just expressed we are experiencing difficulties in having concrete answers. We have distributed the questionnaire to dozens of subjects. We are intensifying contacts in order to have concrete results by the end of February.
– With regard to activity 4.1.6, the Meeting Point is active since the end of January within Confartigianato Imprese Terni’s headquarter. The Info day, activity 2.2.33, is scheduled for next February 21st.
Allo stato attuale, successivamente alla rendicontazione effettuata alla fine del mese di settembre 2019, il progetto Socialneet ha fatto registrare i seguenti progressi:
- Nell’ambito dell’attività 2.3.8 è proseguita la profonda azione di incontro sensibilizzazione ed informazione del progetto e delle sue finalità verso le locali istituzioni e le organizzazioni della società civile. Il risultato ottenuto è stato prevalentemente relativo alla consapevolezza, da parte di questi soggetti, che occorre un maggior grado di interazione e di cooperazione a livello locale, elemento di fatto attualmente assente. Il progetto è stato un elemento fondamentale, in tal senso, e grazie ad esso la Confartigianato Imprese Terni ha acquisito un ruolo importante in tale ambito, fungendo da elemento cardine fra le istituzioni e le CSO. Un importante risultato acquisito è la condivisione di un protocollo di intesa fra la Confartigianato Imprese Terni e le municipalità di Terni, Orvieto e Narni per svolgere azioni comuni a beneficio del progetto. La firma di tale documento avverrà il prossimo 21 febbraio in occasione dell’info day. ( in allegato elenco degli stakholders incontrati)
- Nell’ambito dell’attività 2.4.6 è in corso di pianificazione una importante campagna di informazione, a mezzo social e canali di informazione tradizionali, al fine di promuovere l’apertura del meeting point presso la sede di Confartigianato Imprese Terni e l’organizzazione dell’ìnfo day. Tale campagna avrà inizio nel corso della corrente settimana.
- Per quanto concerne l’attività 3.2.7, Confartigianato Imprese Terni ha acquisito una profonda conoscenza inerente la tematica connessa alla identificazione di una metodologia connessa all’analisi del grado di interazione fra i soggetti della società civile operanti a livello locale. È stata svolta una approfondita analisi desk relativa alla documentazione (articoli, leggi, studi) ed è stato realizzato un focus group fra organizzazioni private operanti nel terzo settore. Il secondo focus group con la partecipazione di soggetti istituzionali è in programma nei prossimo giorni. Tale analisi, come detto, ha delineato una sostanziale mancanza di interazione fra i soggetti della società civile, elemento che rende particolarmente difficile l’attuazione di politiche efficaci nel territorio. Ciò rende altresì problematica anche la fase di raccolta dati sulle risorse inutilizzate. Malgrado avere espresso formali richieste a molti enti ed istituzioni locali risulta difficile poter acquisire dati certi, contiamo comunque di concludere tale fase positivamente, vista anche la funzione di stimolo, in tal senso, che il progetto sta avendo. Relativamente ai questionari, per le motivazione appena espresse stiamo registrando difficoltà nell’avere risposte concrete. Abbiamo diffuso il questionario a decine di soggetti. Stiamo intensificando i contatti al fine di poter avere risultati concreti entro il mese di febbraio.
- In merito all’attività 4.1.6 dalla fine del mese di gennaio il meeting point è attivo presso la sede di Confartigianato Imprese Terni. L’Info day, attività 2.2.33, è previsto per il prossimo 21 febbraio.