

The activities of the project SOCIALNEET are implemented in Greece by INMEKO and IVEPE-SEV.


INMEKO is the Lead Partner of the Project and coordinates all the activities in all the participating countries. Hosts the Steering Committee Meetings and monitors the project’s progress, results and achievements

Communication Activities

INMEKO is responsible for the general communication strategy, has drafted project’s communication plan and updates regularly and manages the project website. IVEPE-SEV is responsible for the project’s presence on social media. Athens was the place for the project’s launch event and kick- off meeting.

Until now eleven (11) awareness activities towards NEETS, civil society, and central, local government organizations have been organized in order to make the project known and receive useful feedback in case modifications and corrections need to be made.

Communication material has also been produced

as well as the project’s promotional video (IVEPE – SEV)

Measurement of local social capital and unused resources

INMEKO has organized a field research based on a structured questionnaire targeting Greek civil society organizations in attempt to quantify (measure) the local social capital. In parallel a registry of unused resources (buildings, equipment, machinery, etc.) has been created, which will remain active and will be updated until the end of the project. Our goal is trying to identify unused resources (belonging mainly to the public sector) that match civil society organizations and social enterprise’s needs.

In order to accelerate the process for building social enterprises and cooperative schemes IVEPE-SEV has prepared five Exemplary & Innovative Business Plans which will be the basis for the training and the advisory services. Many ideas were considered and many modifications were made in the process. Based on the original idea of the project the BPs addressed ideas in five sectors. 1) IT & Open Source Software. A business idea for a Repair Café, refurbished electronic devices and services on open source software applications was presented. 2) Culture & Creative Industries. A business idea for a multicultural open space were different cultures from different countries will be combined (mainly targeting immigrants as beneficiaries). 3) Health Care. A business idea for providing care and telecare to visitors for medical tourism is presented. 4) Alternative Energy Sources.  A business idea for maintenance, management, cleaning and security services of Photovoltaic and Aeolian Parks is presented. 5) AgriFood. A business idea for an Apiculture Unit & Standardization Laboratory combined with an Organic retail trade store is presented.

Training and Capacity Building of NEETS

For it’s of the five (5) business plans a training program will be implemented (30 hours & 30 hours practice). The preparation of the training courses has almost finished and included: a) Transforming the BPs to training programs b) Finding the best instructors / trainers possible c) Selecting the training methodology d) Preparing training content. The original idea was that the trainings will take place in the premises of IVEPE SEV where the Meeting Point is located. Due to COVID -19 restrictions (classes of 25 persons are not allowed in a physical space) we are changing the methodology of the courses to e-learning. Training Programs are planned to start on October 2020.

Networking and Transfer of Know-How

Until now eight (8) capacity building workshops have been organized in Greece by INMEKO. Each Workshop lasted six (6) hours and included two main sections a) Capacity Building activities towards the Civil Society Organization (CSO) the project team is visiting b) presentation of our business ideas and conversation regarding how the organization could be a part of the idea. The open call for the CSOs that want to take part in the Workshops will remain open until the end of the project. Additionally INMEKO has organized from 17-19 January 2020 the first course targeting the experienced members of civil society organizations in order to act as Mentors for Social Economy and the third sector. The 3-day course was organized in Panteion University (started on 17/01 at 18:00 and ended at 19/1 15:00).

Establishment of NEETS Meeting Points

IVEPE-SEV has selected two separate spaces within its facilities to launch and establish the Meeting Point for the project. The above mentioned spaces comprise of two separate rooms. One of them being a meeting room with a capacity of 10 to 15 persons (can facilitate maximum 8 persons with current covid-19 restrictions regarding social distancing) and the second being a working space where eight (8) laptops are in the disposal of the visitors. A member of IVEPE-SEV’s staff is dedicated in the operation of the Meeting Point. The Meeting Point is an open working and meeting space for actors of social economy, civil society organizations and NEETs

Our main subject was “Social Economy and Local Government”. In the three day course we had 14 CSOs that officially supported our initiative and gave a welcome speech in the first day. Professors from the University spoke in different sessions. We had more than 35 different speakers. Besides the main topic of the course we had presentations for “modern work trends and the issue of boosting overall demand”, “the role of civil society to social enterprises”, “green economy, energy and environment”, “social enterprises and local government”, “ecosystems for the development of Social Entrepreneurship”, “Mentoring – Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Enterprises”, “Refugees – Economic Immigrants”, “Social Economy in Tourism and Culture” and many more.